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Boosting Job Hire with Facebook


What we love about Modern Marketing is how things never stay stagnant. Just when you think you have been milking the juice out of Facebook by using it as a platform to engage with your customers with regular bits of news and updates, Facebook goes a step further and reveals another amazing skill - hiring people. Yes, Facebook is the new matchmaker of job seekers and companies. 

Jobs on Facebook is making businesses small and large sit up and take notice. It facilitates the tedious process of finding the right person to fill a position. It is not limited to any specific industry or business. If you need a chauffeur for your company's CEO or a new manager to join the sales team, Jobs on Facebook is making it easy for seekers and hirers to connect with one another. It also offers conveniences such as reviewing applications, communicating with potential candidates and making the final selection. Imagine doing all of that on your smartphone. 

Plus it gives you quite a few handy benefits.

Free and Easy 

It doesn't cost you a single cent. You read that right. If you can create a run-of-the-mill post on Facebook, you can create your own job post. Start with your Page as usual to publish a post and simply choose Create Job. Fill out the relevant information about the job you are offering and you're ready to go. 

World is your Oyster

The extensive outreach of Facebook is something businesses can really maximise. You literally have the entire ocean at your disposal. Your job post can appear on your Page as well as other places including the Jobs bookmark, in Marketplace and also News Feed. Imagine reaching millions of people with just one single posting. To reach an even larger target audience, you can boost your job post from the Facebook business Page. 

Example of job post on Facebook_Vermilion Pinstripes

Reduce Attrition Rate

Because it is so easy, applicants are motivated to do it and you greatly reduce attrition rate. A job seeker reads your post, thinks it is interesting and he clicks and off he goes straight to your list of potentials. No excuse not to apply! 

Comprehensive Information

With Jobs on Facebook, businesses can give a clear description of the job as well as the specific location of the company to help increase relevancy. Businesses can include information such as salary, benefits and working hours.  

Natural Selection of the Fittest

Jobs on Facebook offers an important feature. It allows interested applicants to learn more about your business and the position (before applying directly on Facebook). It gives job seekers the advantage of getting the relevant information they need. This turns into a bonus for the business because it ensures that only informed or serious job applicants will apply. This process naturally sifts out those who are merely surfing. 

Staying Organised

When job seekers apply, you can manage these applications on Facebook. Keep track of them with the jobs management tool. It allows you to arrange interviews and manage the status of applications. If you are keen on a particular candidate, you communicate directly with them from this very same platform. You no longer need to switch between computer and phone and pieces of paper and tons of files and different systems. You only need Facebook and your computer. Or just do it on your smartphone. 

Leave a Good Impression

As a business you may be looking for an employee but even here you have an opportunity to leave a positive impression (always good for marketing!). Facebook makes everything so easy and convenient, you have no excuse not to respond to keen applicants promptly. Even a short simple message letting an applicant know about his status is enough for them to appreciate your professionalism and reliability. 

Jobs on Facebook is a truly comprehensive platform as it allows businesses to post, track and review applications, contact applicants directly and even schedule interviews via Messenger. It literally takes you from start to finish. For those who work with an HR solution provider e.g. applicant tracking system, Jobs on Facebook merely adds to the ease of creating a seamless and integrated hiring flow. 

To learn more about how to create, edit and manage a job post, check this out and see for yourself how easy it is. Are you ready to have a go at boosting staff numbers via Facebook? Want to learn more about what you can do with Facebook? We love sharing our experiences with businesses. Talk to us and see if you are truly maximising what Facebook has to offer to make your business a happy, thriving one! 

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