Messaging Process to Define Your Brand

Raising "brand awareness" may be a complete waste of effort, time and money BUT EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL EVOLVE AROUND YOUR BRAND!
I teach personalisation techniques so that your audience bond with your brand ... ask me about this brand-led and personalisation strategy workshop!
Yesterday, I asked participants who will be attending the Brand-led and Personalisation Strategy Workshop to start thinking about developing or redefining their Brand Message.
It is important for them to define their brand so that their stakeholders and customers can align with it and shape it in accordance to their guidance, even when it goes viral. That Brand Message would be useful during networking sessions, social events, public relations activities, marketing campaigns etc. The participants will then have 60-sec to introduce themselves and their business using the Primary and Secondary Messages that they have developed, when they come to the workshop. A good time to test their message!
This NEW concept of a Brand-led and Personalisation marketing strategy will evolve around their brand message, so it important to get this right!
The Process

Primary Message
This will describe who you are and your differentiation. Sometimes two or three primary messages can help sum up what your audiences need to know about you.
E.g. “Since 1994, Acme Architects has designed energy-efficient commercial office space specifically for high-end retail shops.”
Secondary Message
This is meant to support and validate your primary message.
E.g. “Our architects have designed over 20 retail buildings downtown, including the popular boutiques on Main Street.”
See how this secondary message ended up with a good hook?
“A survey of our customers indicates that 100 percent would choose our firm again for their next building.”
For more information on Brand Messaging, please contact Vermilion Marketing (the science and art of a brand-led and personalisation marketing strategy to engage customers and generate revenue)
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