Generate Revenue using a Brand-led and Personalisation Strategy

Are you currently in one of these positions?
You seem to look like any other zebras in the market and you are struggling to differentiate yourself.
You may have embarked on social media marketing but you are still not sure if you are achieving the results you want.
With the rapid emergence of technology, you cannot seem to grasp the right tools and social media platforms to attract your customers' attention, yet alone deliver an integrated messaging throughout the customers' journey.
I was part of the marketing expert panel session last week and because that session was short, there were still many marketing questions, unanswered. So I have decided to run this workshop that is designed to help your business, sales and marketing teams create integrated marketing messages and digital marketing strategies to effectively engage with your customers, thus generating revenue.
This workshop offer ends 27 Apr 2015 and is only meant for businesses in the Hastings District. So take 1/2 day off work and benefit from the methodologies that would position you and your business for a long time.
Book a 30-minute Free Consultation
Keep on making waves in the digital world! Our experts are ready to support you—schedule your free 30-minute consultation today.