At Vermilion Pinstripes, we continue to stay vigilant with regards to COVID-19 safety measures. We monitor and stay updated on announcements and news from the Australian Government and Health Authorities to ensure we adapt and revise our COVID-safe Practices and Measures. The safety and well-being of our staff and clients is important to us, and it is vital we stay alert to avoid any possible COVID-19 infections and provide peace of mind for our staff and clients in our office.
Being prepared and able to adapt quickly to ever changing circumstances is key to ensuring we can go back to business in the New Normal. Below are our COVID-Safe Practices and Measures to ensure we are all kept safe and protected. We request the cooperation and understanding of anyone who visits our office.
Book Meetings in Advance
All clients are required to book a meeting in advance. We respect the capacity limits to make our office a safe space for everyone.
QR Code
A QR code will be available for contact-less scanning upon arrival at our office. This is to facilitate the practice of contact tracing so authorities can be alerted of any possible infections.
Download App
Outdoor Appointments
Outdoor appointments follow the same rules - they need to be arranged in advance and we strictly follow the guidelines of NSW Health.
We have installed an Oxira air neutraliser in our office. It is a compact device that effectively removes pathogens, odours, allergens, mould, coronaviruses, viruses and bacteria.
Self Responsibility
Please self-isolate if you have just returned from overseas, have been in an affected area or had close contact with a COVID-19 case that has been tested positive. Stay home if you are unwell. Respecting quarantine rules helps keep everyone safe.
Please practice good hygiene.
For updates, advice and resources on the COVID-19 situation:
National Coronavirus Health Information Line - 1800 020 080
(This line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For translating or interpreting services, please call 131 450)
Veronica Lind is Vermilion Pinstripes' COVID Contact. For questions relating to COVID safety, please contact Veronica.